On 13th July 2015,our company organized our mid-year event, Humen –conghua one day tour. At 8:00
in the morning, we started the tour by travel bus, we all dressed new T-shirt which represent
POWTRAN ,with pretty sunshine and cheerful mood, greeting the morning breeze and glow. On the
bus ,we laughing unwittingly arrived visited destination --- Naval museum.

Naval museum is located next to the Pearl River estuary east coast of Humen Weiyuan fort site.We
took our collective pictures at Oath Square and then went Into the exhibition hall floor- Opium War
display. With the guide's explanation and cultural relics, photos, statues, a field of view, We
re-experiencing Centuries-old experience.
We walking in the view of the sea causeway, through the long aisles, looking at the broken walls,
stroking a century statue guards like cannon, watching the vast Pearl River estuary, faintly hear a
hundred years ago that the indomitable gun cannon roar.
Leave Humen naval museum, we went to Conghua Ragaz spa manor at afternoon , Conghua Ragaz
spa manor built 38 outdoor spa, with health features and natural ecosystems, we enjoyed them. There
is also featuring Castle "Windsor Castle", in spa area, in the castle you can enjoy a sauna, bath, stone
bath. On the second floor, a rich variety of soup and other snacks are offered.
The carefully prepared mid-year outdoor activity, not only strengthened the exchange of feelings
between colleagues, enriching the cultural life of employees and enhance the cohesion, but also
reflect a new look, new atmosphere! of POWTRAN all staff.